What is Sr2S2O7? Important knowledge about Sr2S2O7.

  1. Definition of Sr2S2O7
    Sr2S2O7, also known as strontium pyrosulfate, is a chemical compound containing the elements strontium, sulfur, and oxygen. Its English name is “Strontium Pyrosulfate”. The molecular structure consists of 2 strontium atoms, 2 sulfur atoms, and 7 oxygen atoms. Its molar mass is 380.77 g/mol.

In this compound, the strontium atom is in the ionized state Sr2+, while sulfur and oxygen form the pyrosulfate ion with the structure S2O7^2-

  1. Properties of Sr2S2O7
    Physical properties: Strontium Pyrosulfate typically appears as a solid, colorless, and odorless substance. Its pH is not clearly defined.
    Chemical properties: Strontium Pyrosulfate has the ability to react with other substances to form new compounds.

  2. Common chemical equations:
    While not commonly encountered in specific chemical reactions, Sr2S2O7 can react with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts under appropriate conditions.

  3. Synthesis of Sr2S2O7
    Sr2S2O7 can be synthesized in the lab through the reaction between strontium carbonate (SrCO3) and sulfur trioxide (SO3). On an industrial scale, it can be produced through a melting process and reaction between strontium sulfate (SrSO4) and sulfur.

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