What is Sr2Mo2O7? Important knowledge about Sr2Mo2O7.

  1. Definition of Sr2Mo2O7

Sr2Mo2O7 is an inorganic compound consisting of the elements Strontium (Sr), Molybdenum (Mo), and Oxygen (O). It is a special compound in the group of ceramic compounds containing molybdenum and strontium.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Strontium Molybdate
1.1.2 English name: Strontium Molybdate
1.2. Atomic mass: The total number of atoms in one molecule of Sr2Mo2O7 is 11 atoms.
1.3. Molar mass: The total molar mass of Sr2Mo2O7 is 624.83 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Each molecule of Sr2Mo2O7 comprises 2 atoms of Sr, 2 atoms of Mo, and 7 atoms of O.
1.4 Ion structure: Sr2Mo2O7 is formed when Sr2+ ions and MoO4- ions combine.

  1. Properties: Sr2Mo2O7

2.1 Physical properties of Sr2Mo2O7
State: Solid
Color: White
Odour: Odourless
pH: Does not affect pH
2.2 Chemical properties: Sr2Mo2O7 is insoluble in water and weak acids. It also doesn’t react with strong oxidizing agents.

  1. Common chemical equations for Sr2Mo2O7: Due to its unique chemical properties, Sr2Mo2O7 typically does not participate in common chemical reactions.

  2. Synthesis of Sr2Mo2O7

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sr2Mo2O7: Sr2Mo2O7 is often synthesized through the reaction between strontium carbonate and molybdenum trioxide at high temperatures.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sr2Mo2O7: In industry, Sr2Mo2O7 is typically produced from the melting process of strontium and molybdenum at extremely high temperatures.

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