What is SnP? Important knowledge about SnP.

  1. Definition of SnP: SnP is an abbreviation for a chemical compound known as Phosphide of Tin, commonly known as Tin Phosphide in English. This compound is formed by the combination of the element tin (Sn) and phosphorus (P). The molecular structure of SnP consists of 1 tin atom combined with 1 phosphorus atom.

  2. Properties:
    2.1 Physical properties: SnP is usually in a solid state, with a dark grey color. This compound has no smell and its pH level cannot be determined as it is insoluble in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties: SnP easily reacts with air when heated, resulting in SnO2 and P2O5. It can also react with strong acids such as HCl to produce PH3.

  3. Common chemical equations:
    Reaction with air:
    4SnP + 5O2 -> 2SnO2 + P4O10
    Reaction with HCl:
    SnP + 6HCl -> SnCl4 + PH3

  4. Synthesis of SnP:
    SnP is typically synthesized through the thermal decomposition of Sn3P4 at high temperatures (above 600 degrees C) or by reacting Sn with P at high temperatures. The chemical equations are as follows:
    Sn + P -> SnP
    Sn3P4 -> 3SnP + P2 ->

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