What is SnOCl2? Important knowledge about SnOCl2.

  1. Definition of SnOCl2

SnOCl2 is a chemical substance with the formula SnCl2.H2O. Its common name is Stannic Chloride. Its English name is Stannous Chloride. Its atomic mass is 189.616. Its molar mass is 136.69. Its molecule consists of one Sn atom, one O atom and two Cl atoms. Its ion structure includes one Sn2+ ion and two Cl- ions.

  1. Properties: SnOCl2

2.1 Physical properties of SnOCl2
SnOCl2 is a solid at room temperature. It is white and has no characteristic smell. Its PH is not clearly defined.

2.2 Chemical properties of SnOCl2
SnOCl2 has the ability to react with many other substances such as oxygen, strong acid, and various types of metal.

  1. Common chemical equations SnOCl2
    There are not many common chemical reactions with SnOCl2 known. SnOCl2 is mainly used as a reducing agent in electronics manufacturing and in the galvanizing process.

  2. Synthesis of SnOCl2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of SnOCl2
SnOCl2 can be synthesized in the lab by dissolving Sn metal in a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of SnOCl2
On an industrial scale, SnOCl2 is usually produced by dissolving Sn in hydrochloric acid under strict control of the reaction conditions.

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