What is SnN? Important knowledge about SnN.

  1. Definition of SnN

SnN, also known as Tin Nitride. It is an inorganic compound made from Sn – tin, which has an oxidation number of +4 and Nitrogen. Tin nitride has a molar mass of 150.71 atomic mass units, and the molecular structure consists of 1 tin atom and 1 nitrogen atom. The ionic structure of SnN is Sn^4+ and N^3-.

  1. Properties of SnN

2.1 Physical properties of SnN: SnN is usually solid, black and odorless. The pH of SnN is not established because it is a solid substance.

2.2 Chemical properties of SnN: The specific chemical properties of SnN are yet to be thoroughly researched.

  1. At present, there is no detailed information on the typical chemical reactions of SnN.

  2. Synthesis of SnN

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of SnN: At present, the method of synthesizing SnN in the laboratory is not established.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of SnN: Information on the industrial-scale synthesis of SnN has not been published yet.

Since SnN is a fairly rare inorganic substance, it requires further research to better understand its properties and related chemical reactions.

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