What is SnI3? Important knowledge about SnI3.

  1. Definition of SnI3

1.1 Names
SnI3 is called stannic iodide, or mercuric iodide(II). Its English name is Tin(II) Iodide.
1.2. Atomic structure
The structure of SnI3 includes one stannic atom (Sn) and three iodine atoms (I).
1.3. Atomic mass
The atomic mass of Sn is 118.71 g/mol, and that of I is 126.90 g/mol. Therefore, the atomic mass of SnI3 is 499.41 g/mol.
1.4 Ion structure
SnI3 has a structure formed from the Sn2+ ion and 3 I- ions.

  1. Properties: SnI3

2.1 Physical properties of SnI3
State: solid at room temperature.
Color: SnI3 has a deep red color.
Smell: No characteristic smell.
PH: SnI3 cannot measure pH because it is not a liquid.
2.2 Chemical properties of SnI3
SnI3 interacts strongly with strong oxidizing agents and can react with strong reducing agents.

  1. Common chemical equations involving SnI3 – I apologize, but at this time there is not enough information to answer this part.

  2. Synthesis of SnI3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of SnI3
SnI3 can be synthesized by reacting Iodine and Stannous in an acetone solvent.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of SnI3
Information about the industrial-scale synthesis of SnI3 has not been widely published yet.

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