What is SnBr2? Important knowledge about SnBr2.

  1. Definition of SnBr2:
    SnBr2 (stannous bromide) is a salt of the metal tin (Sn) and the halogen bromine (Br). This substance is also known as tin(II) bromide or bromide tin, in English called Tin(II) bromide. SnBr2 has a molecular weight of 260.52 g/mol, in which the atomic weight of bromine is 79.904 g/mol and the atomic weight of tin is 118.71 g/mol. Each molecule of SnBr2 consists of one tin atom and two bromine atoms.
  2. Properties of SnBr2:
    2.1 Physical properties of SnBr2:
    SnBr2 is a solid substance, white or slightly yellow in color, odorless and does not have a liquid/ideal for pH determination.
    2.2 Chemical properties of SnBr2:
    SnBr2 easily reacts with other substances to form new compounds.
  3. Common chemical equation of SnBr2:
    The reaction of SnBr2 with metals, acids, non-metals, salts is not common in grade 3 chemistry textbooks.
  4. Preparation of SnBr2:
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of SnBr2:
    SnBr2 can be prepared through the reaction of tin with bromine or through the reaction of tin with hydrobromic acid.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of SnBr2:
    In industry, SnBr2 is prepared through the reaction of tin with bromine.

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