What is Sn4S3? Important knowledge about Sn4S3.

  1. Definition of Sn4S3:

Sn4S3, also known as Tin(IV) sulfide, is a chemical compound consisting of the elements Tin (Sn) and Sulfur (S). Its molecular structure includes 4 atoms of Tin and 3 atoms of Sulfur. This compound belongs to the Zinc blende group of compounds. In its ionic structure, Tin has an oxidation state of +4 and Sulfur has an oxidation state of -2.

  1. Properties of Sn4S3:

2.1 Physical properties of Sn4S3: Sn4S3 is a solid at room temperature, with a dark grey color. This substance has no smell and does not have acidic or alkaline properties (PH = 7).

2.2 Chemical properties of Sn4S3: Sn4S3 is not stable in air, it will gradually be oxidized to SnO2 and SO2. In addition, it also reacts with strong acid according to the equation: Sn4S3 + 12HCl -> 4SnCl4 + 3H2S.

  1. Common chemical equations with Sn4S3: Currently, there is not much detailed information about other chemical reactions of Sn4S3.

  2. Synthesis of Sn4S3:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sn4S3: Currently, there is no detailed information about the process of synthesizing Sn4S3 in the laboratory.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sn4S3: Currently, there is also no detailed information about the process of synthesizing Sn4S3 by industrial methods.

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