What is Sn4N3H4? Important knowledge about Sn4N3H4.

  1. Definition of Sn4N3H4

Sn4N3H4, commonly known as Hydrua stannic nitride, is called Tin(IV) Nitride Hydride in English. It is a chemical compound that consists of atoms of Tin (Sn), Nitrogen (N), and Hydrogen (H). According to its molecular structure, Hydrua stannic nitride includes 4 atoms of tin, 3 atoms of nitrogen, and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Its molar mass is 615.16 g/mol.

  1. Properties of Sn4N3H4

The physical properties of Sn4N3H4 have not been thoroughly studied. However, generally, types of hydrua stannic nitride are typically solid at room temperature, colorless, and odorless. Its pH has not been determined.

The chemical properties of Sn4N3H4 have also not been extensively researched, but it can react with light metals, acids, or salts.

  1. Common chemical equations with Sn4N3H4

The chemical equations involving Sn4N3H4 have not been studied in detail. However, some basic reactions it may participate in can be mentioned.

  1. Synthesis of Sn4N3H4

The method to synthesize Sn4N3H4 in the laboratory is not common and has not been clearly described. Similarly, its industrial-scale synthesis has also not been thoroughly studied.

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