What is Sn4N3? Important knowledge about Sn4N3.

  1. Definition of Sn4N3

    • Common name: Sn4N3 is also known as Stannic Nitride or Tin(IV) Nitride.
    • English name: Tin(IV) Nitride.
    • Atomic structure: It consists of 4 large Sn (Stannic or tin) atoms and 3 small N (Nitrogen) atoms.
    • Atomic mass: The total mass of 4 Sn atoms and 3 N atoms.
    • Molecular structure: 4 Sn atoms are linked to 3 N atoms to form Sn4N3 molecule.
    • Ion structure: Sn4N3 does not form ions.
  2. Properties of Sn4N3

    • Physical properties: Sn4N3 is a solid, colorless, odorless substance, and its pH cannot be determined because it is insoluble in water.
    • Chemical properties: Sn4N3 is very difficult to react with other substances.
  3. Common chemical reactions

    • Sn4N3 does not usually participate in chemical reactions because it is very stable.
  4. Preparation of Sn4N3

    • Laboratory preparation: Sn4N3 cannot be prepared in the laboratory due to its high stability.
    • Industrial preparation: Sn4N3 is not prepared industrially because it has no practical application.

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