What is Sn3O4? Important knowledge about Sn3O4.

  1. Definition of Sn3O4
    Sn3O4, also known as tin(II, IV) oxide or stannite(II, IV) oxide, is a chemical compound of tin and oxygen. In English, it is called tin(II, IV) oxide. The atomic mass of tin (Sn) is 118.71 amu, while the atomic mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 amu. The total mass of Sn3O4 is 444.53 amu. This compound consists of 3 tin atoms and 4 oxygen atoms.

  2. Properties of Sn3O4
    Sn3O4 is solid at room temperature. It is black or dark grey and odorless. The pH of Sn3O4 is undefined because it is insoluble in water. This compound is capable of reacting with strong oxidizing agents.

  3. Common chemical equations of Sn3O4
    Sn3O4 can react with acids, non-metals, and salts but it is rarely used in actual chemical reactions.

  4. Preparation of Sn3O4
    Sn3O4 can be prepared in the laboratory through the oxidation process of tin. Another way to prepare Sn3O4 is through the oxidation of tin by chlorine water. In industry, Sn3O4 is prepared through the oxidation of tin at high temperatures.

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