What is Sn3N2? Important knowledge about Sn3N2.

  1. Definition of Sn3N2:
    1.1. The name of the compound with the formula Sn3N2 is Nitodiđónitriđắc. In English, it is called Tin(II) Nitride.
    1.2. Sn3N2 consists of 3 Sn (Tin) atoms and 2 N (Nitrogen) atoms.
    1.3. The approximate molar mass of Sn3N2 is 444.22 g/mol.
    1.4. The structure of Sn3N2 includes 3 Sn2+ ions and 2 N3- ions.
  2. Properties of Sn3N2:
    2.1. Physical properties: Sn3N2 is a colorless solid. It does not have a distinctive odor and its pH is neutral.
    2.2. Chemical properties: Sn3N2 is quite stable and does not readily react with other substances under normal conditions.
  3. Chemical equation:
    Sn3N2 does not typically partake in specific chemical reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts. However, it can react with oxygen to produce other products.
  4. Synthesis of Sn3N2:
    4.1. In a laboratory, Sn3N2 can be synthesized through the reaction between tin (Sn) and ammonia (NH3) under high temperature conditions.
    4.2 On an industrial scale, the synthesis of Sn3N2 requires more complex methods and usually specific temperature and pressure conditions.

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