What is Si(SO4)4? Important knowledge about Si(SO4)4.

  1. Definition of Si(SO4)4

Si(SO4)4, also known as tetrasulfate silic, is a chemical compound consisting of 1 silicon atom, 16 oxygen atoms, and 4 sulfur atoms. Its English name is Silicon Tetrasulfate. Its atomic mass is 40.1 u (silicon atom) and its molar mass is 280.2 g/mol. The molecular structure of Si(SO4)4 includes a silicon atom at the center, connected to four oxygen atoms, each of which is then connected to a sulfur atom, forming the overall molecular structure.

  1. Properties of Si(SO4)4

2.1 Physical properties of Si(SO4)4 are not clearly identified as this compound is rarely synthesized and studied under laboratory conditions.

2.2 Chemical properties of Si(SO4)4 have also not been extensively explored. However, based on its molecular structure, we can speculate that it might react with water to form sulfuric acid and silicon dioxide.

  1. Chemical equation of Si(SO4)4

The chemical reactions involving Si(SO4)4 have not been extensively explored. Therefore, examples of its reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts are currently unavailable.

  1. Synthesis of Si(SO4)4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Si(SO4)4 has not been clearly identified as this is a fairly complex and uncommon compound.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Si(SO4)4 has also not been conducted as its demand and application have not been clearly identified.

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