What is Si? Important knowledge about Si.

  1. Definition of Si:

Si, also known as Silicium (English name: Silicon) is a chemical element in the periodic table. The atomic mass of Si is 28.09 and it is in group 14, period 3. The molecular structure of Si is mainly SiO2 and SiC. In its natural state, Si usually exists in the form of Si4+ ions.

  1. Properties of Si:

2.1 Physical properties of Si: Si is solid at standard temperature and pressure conditions. It has a metallic gray color, no smell, and a neutral PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of Si: Si does not react with water under normal conditions, but it can react with hot water to produce silicon dioxide and hydro compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations of Si: Si reacts with O2 to form SiO2; reacts with F2 to form SiF4; reacts with other halogens such as Cl2, Br2 to form similar compounds like SiCl4, SiBr4.

  2. Preparation of Si:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Si: Si can be prepared from silicon dioxide (SiO2) by heating it with carbon in an electric furnace.

4.2 Industrial preparation of Si: In industry, Si is prepared from silicate ores or from silicon dioxide (glass) by heating it with carbon at very high temperatures in an electric arc furnace.

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