What is Sb2O5? Important knowledge about Sb2O5

  1. Definition of Sb2O5

Sb2O5, also known as Pentoxide antimony or Antimony pentoxide in English, is a chemical substance with a atomic mass of 323.5 g/mole. Sb2O5 consists of two Antimony atoms (Sb) and five Oxygen atoms (O), forming the molecular structure of Sb2O5. Sb2O5 does not form ions in its normal state.

  1. Properties of Sb2O5

2.1 Physical properties of Sb2O5: Sb2O5 is solid at room temperature, has a white color, and has no distinctive smell. Its pH level is usually neutral.
2.2 Chemical properties of Sb2O5: Sb2O5 does not completely dissolve in water, is quite stable in the air but can decompose in water.

  1. Common chemical reactions of Sb2O5: Further research is needed to identify specific chemical reactions involving Sb2O5.

  2. Synthesis of Sb2O5:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Sb2O5: Sb2O5 is usually synthesized from the main raw material of Antimony through the oxidation process.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Sb2O5: In industry, Sb2O5 is usually produced from Antimony ore through the process of oxidation and melting.

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