What is S2? Important knowledge about S2

In this lecture, we will learn about Sulfur – represented by the chemical symbol S2.

  1. Definition:
    Sulfur, also known as Sulphur in English, is a chemical element belonging to the chalcogen group in the periodic table. It has an atomic mass of 32.06 and is represented by the symbol S2. Sulfur molecules usually appear as S8 compounds, which means there are 8 sulfur atoms linked together. S2 does not form ions under natural conditions.

  2. Characteristics:
    2.1 Physical properties: Sulfur appears as a solid, yellow, odorless substance with no pH level (since it doesn’t dissolve in water).
    2.2 Chemical properties: Sulfur is capable of reacting with a variety of other substances, such as metals, acids, and non-metals, to form new compounds.

  3. Chemical equations:
    Common chemical equations of Sulfur include reactions with metals (like Fe, Cu, Zn), acids (like HCl, H2SO4), non-metals (like O2, H2) and salts (like NaCl, KCl).
    For example:

  4. Sulfur preparation:
    4.1 In the laboratory, Sulfur can be prepared through the reaction between H2S and O2.
    Example: 2H2S + 3O2 -> 2SO2 + 2H2O
    4.2 Industrially, Sulfur is often obtained from natural gas and petroleum containing H2S. The process typically includes separating H2S from the gas stream then burning H2S to obtain Sulfur.

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