What is Pm? Important knowledge about Pm.

  1. Definition of Pm
    Pm is the symbol for Promethium, a chemical element in the periodic table with the atomic number Z=61. Promethium is one of the rarest chemical elements, it does not exist in its natural state on Earth, but can be produced in nuclear reactions.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Promethium
1.1.2 English name: Promethium
1.2. Atomic mass: 145
1.3. Atomic weight: 145.0 u
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Promethium exists as mono or poly ions.
1.4 Ion structure: Pm3+

  1. Properties of Pm

2.1 Physical properties of Pm
State: solid
Colour: silver
Odour: odourless
PH: not applicable
2.2 Chemical properties of Pm: Promethium is a rare metal, with chemical properties similar to other lanthanide elements.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Pm
    Promethium is mostly used in nuclear applications, so there are not many common chemical equations involving Pm.

  2. Synthesis of Pm

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Pm: Due to its nuclear properties, Promethium cannot be synthesized in a laboratory.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Pm: Promethium is synthesized from the decay products of uranium or plutonium in nuclear reactions.

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