What is PbSO4? Important knowledge about PbSO4.

  1. Definition of PbSO4

PbSO4, also known as lead (II) sulfate, is a chemical compound made from lead, sulfur, and oxygen atoms. Its English name is “Lead (II) sulfate”. The molecular structure of PbSO4 consists of one lead atom, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms. This defines the atomic mass of PbSO4 as 303.26 atomic mass units. Meanwhile, the ionic structure of PbSO4 consists of the lead (II) Pb2+ ion and the sulfate SO4^2- ion.

  1. Properties of PbSO4

2.1 The physical properties of PbSO4 include a solid state at room temperature, white color, odorless, and having a neutral PH level.

2.2 The chemical properties of PbSO4: it is insoluble in water and strong acids but soluble in concentrated hot nitric acid due to the formation of lead (II) nitrate or in acetic acid in the presence of nitrate ions.

  1. Common chemical equations

PbSO4 is commonly found in chemical reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. Specific examples:

Pb + H2SO4 -> PbSO4 + H2
PbSO4 + 2NaCl -> PbCl2 + Na2SO4
PbSO4 + 2HCl -> PbCl2 + H2SO4
PbSO4 + 4NaOH -> Pb(OH)4 + Na2SO4
PbSO4 + 4H2O -> Pb(OH)4 + H2SO4
  1. Synthesis of PbSO4

PbSO4 can be synthesized through various processes, both in the laboratory and in industry. In the laboratory, PbSO4 is typically synthesized from lead and sulfuric acid. In industry, PbSO4 is typically produced in the process of lead smelting, when lead is oxidized by sulfuric acid.

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