What is Pb(OH)4? Important knowledge about Pb(OH)4.

  1. Definition of Pb(OH)4

Pb(OH)4, also known as Plumbic Hydroxide or Lead(IV) Hydroxide in English, is a chemical compound that does not exist naturally. It consists of the element lead (Pb), with an atomic mass of 207.2, and oxygen and hydrogen, with an atomic mass of the whole molecule being 325.2. In the molecular structure of Pb(OH)4, a lead atom bonds with four hydroxide atoms to form the ion [Pb(OH)4]2-.

  1. Properties of Pb(OH)4

The common state of Pb(OH)4 is solid. It does not have a specific color and has no smell. The pH of a Pb(OH)4 solution in water is greater than 7, indicating that it is alkaline. Chemically, Pb(OH)4 is not stable and is easily decomposed into PbO and H2O when heated.

  1. Common chemical reactions with Pb(OH)4

Pb(OH)4 does not typically participate in chemical reactions with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts.

  1. Preparation of Pb(OH)4

Pb(OH)4 is not directly synthesized in the laboratory or industry due to its instability. However, it can be temporarily created in some chemical reactions such as the reaction between PbO2 and NaOH.

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