What is PbOBr2? Important knowledge about PbOBr2.

  1. Definition of PbOBr2

    • PbOBr2, often referred to as Lead(II) Bromide, is an inorganic chemical substance with the chemical formula PbOBr2. PbOBr2 forms octameric molecules that have a structure similar to the molecules of the compound PbBr2.
    • The atomic mass of PbOBr2 is 398.2 g/mol.
    • Ion structure: PbOBr2 forms Pb2+ and Br- ions when dissolved in water.
  2. Properties: PbOBr2

    • Physical properties of PbOBr2: PbOBr2 is a solid substance, with a color ranging from white to light yellow. It has no specific smell.
    • Chemical properties of PbOBr2: PbOBr2 is insoluble in water and soluble in strong acids.
  3. Common Chemical Equations for PbOBr2

    • Metal reaction: PbOBr2 does not react with metals.
    • Acid reaction: PbOBr2 is soluble in strong acids such as HCl, H2SO4.
    • Non-metal reaction: PbOBr2 does not react with non-metals.
    • Reaction with salts: PbOBr2 can react with some salts to form other substances.
  4. Preparation of PbOBr2

    • Laboratory preparation of PbOBr2: PbOBr2 can be prepared through the reaction between Pb(NO3)2 and KBr.
    • Industrial preparation of PbOBr2: PbOBr2 is typically not prepared on an industrial scale due to the lack of significant demand in industrial applications.

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