What is PbO2? Important knowledge about PbO2.

  1. Definition of PbO2
    PbO2, also known as Lead(IV) oxide or Lead dioxide in English, is a colourless or brown-black solid. PbO2 has an atomic mass of 239.2 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of two oxygen atoms and one lead atom. In PbO2, lead is in the +4 oxidation state, forming a Pb4+ ion.

  2. Properties of PbO2
    PbO2 is a brown-black solid with no distinctive odour. Regarding pH, PbO2 is strongly acidic. In terms of chemical properties, PbO2 is a strong oxidizing agent.

  3. Common chemical equations of PbO2
    Metal reaction: PbO2 can react with metals such as Al, Fe, Zn to form other metal oxides and produce lead metal.
    Acid reaction: PbO2 can react with acids such as HCl, H2SO4 to form lead salts and produce water.
    Non-metal reaction: PbO2 can also react with non-metals such as S, P, C to form non-metal oxides and produce lead metal.
    Reaction with salts: PbO2 can react with salts such as NaCl, KCl to form lead salts and produce sodium or potassium metal.

  4. Synthesis of PbO2
    In the laboratory, PbO2 is usually prepared from lead or lead (II) oxide in an oxygen environment or from the electrolysis of a lead salt solution. On the industrial scale, PbO2 is typically produced from the oxidation of lead with oxygen or the reaction between Pb3O4 and oxygen.

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