What is PbI4? Important knowledge about PbI4.

  1. Definition of PbI4:

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Lead (II) Iodide
1.1.2 English name: Lead (II) Iodide

1.2 Molar mass: 777.6 g/mol

1.3 Atomic mass: 777.6 u

1.3.1 Molecular structure: PbI4 consists of 1 lead atom (Pb) and 4 iodine atoms (I).

1.4 Ion structure: PbI4 does not create ions because it is a solid that does not dissolve in water.

  1. Properties of PbI4:

2.1 Physical properties of PbI4:

  • State: solid
  • Color: yellow
  • Scent: no distinctive smell
  • pH: not applicable because PbI4 does not dissolve in water

2.2 Chemical properties of PbI4: PbI4 does not react with oxygen, does not interact with water, and barely interacts with other substances.

  1. Common chemical equations of PbI4: Due to the low reactivity of PbI4, it is hard to find its common chemical equations.

  2. Synthesis of PbI4:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of PbI4: PbI4 can be synthesized through the reaction between I2 and Pb. This reaction produces PbI4 and hydrogen gas.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of PbI4: There is no information about the industrial synthesis of PbI4.

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