What is PbI3? Important knowledge about PbI3.

  1. Definition of PbI3

PbI3, also known as Lead(II) iodide or Iodua chì(II) in Vietnamese, is a chemical compound with the symbol PbI3. PbI3 consists of one lead atom (Pb) and three iodine atoms (I). Each lead atom is bonded to three iodine atoms to form a PbI3 molecule.

  1. Properties of PbI3

2.1 Physical properties of PbI3

PbI3 is solid at room temperature and has a yellow color. PbI3 does not have a distinctive smell and its pH cannot be determined because it is insoluble in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of PbI3

PbI3 does not react easily with metals, acids or nonmetals. However, PbI3 can react with salts to form different products depending on the type of salt used.

  1. Common chemical equations of PbI3

It should be noted that PbI3 does not regularly participate in chemical reactions with metals, acids or nonmetals. The common reactions of PbI3 usually involve its decomposition in water, resulting in the formation of Pb2+ and I- ions.

  1. Preparation of PbI3

4.1 Laboratory preparation of PbI3

In the laboratory, PbI3 can be prepared through the reaction between lead(II) salt and iodine.

4.2 Industrial preparation of PbI3

On an industrial scale, PbI3 is usually produced by a similar method as in the laboratory, but using larger equipment and scale.

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