What is PbF3? Important knowledge about PbF3.

  1. Definition of PbF3
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: PbF3 is known as Mercury(II) fluoride.
    1.1.2 English name: PbF3 is known as Lead(II) fluoride.
    1.2 Atomic composition: PbF3 contains one lead atom and three fluorine atoms.
    1.3 Atomic weight: Lead has an atomic mass of 207.2 amu and fluorine is 19 amu. Therefore, the atomic weight of PbF3 is 264.2 amu.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: PbF3 has a structure formed by one lead atom connected with three fluorine atoms.
    1.4 Ion structure: PbF3 has a structure consisting of one Pb2+ ion combined with three F- ions.

  2. Properties of PbF3
    2.1 Physical properties of PbF3: PbF3 is solid at room temperature, the color is between white and light yellow. The smell of PbF3 is not distinctive. The pH of PbF3 is not determined because it is insoluble in water.
    2.2 Chemical properties of PbF3: PbF3 is unstable at high temperatures and easily decomposes into PbF2 and F2.

  3. PbF3 does not directly react with metals, acids, salts, or non-metals.

  4. Preparation of PbF3
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of PbF3: PbF3 can be prepared through the reaction between PbO2 and HF.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of PbF3: In industry, PbF3 is produced by creating PbF2 and then oxidizing it with F2 to create PbF3.

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