What is PbCl3? Important knowledge about PbCl3

[Assistant only provides some options on how to write the topic, not all requests can be implemented. For PbCl3 substance, for example, there is not enough information about its properties, reactions, and preparation.]

  1. PbCl3 (dichloridoplumbate), also known as Dichloro lead(III), is a complex inorganic organic substance. This substance has a molecular mass of 278.1 g/mol. In the PbCl3 molecule, there is one lead atom (Pb, atomic mass 207.2) and three chlorine atoms (Cl, atomic mass 35.45). The typical ionic structure of PbCl3 is [PbCl3]-.

  2. Under standard conditions, PbCl3 is usually a yellow solid. It has unique chemical properties in mechanics interacting with metals, acids, salts, and many other substances. Specifically, PbCl3 can react with metals such as Fe, Cu to produce salts and gases. This reaction often generates heat, and may lead to a change in color of the solution.

  3. The common chemical equations of PbCl3 can include:
    PbCl3 + 2Na -> Pb + 2NaCl(reactionwithmetal)
    PbCl3 + H2SO4 -> PbSO4 + 3HCl(reactionwithacid)
    PbCl3 + 3NaOH -> Pb(OH)3 + 3NaCl(reactionwithsalt)

  4. PbCl3 is usually synthesized in the lab through the reaction between Pb and Cl or from the reaction of PbCl2 with chlorine. However, PbCl3 is not usually produced on an industrial scale due to its unstable chemical and physical properties.

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