What is Pb4P3? Important knowledge about Pb4P3.

  1. Definition of Pb4P3
    Pb4P3, also known as Tetraphosphorous Trilead, is a basic chemical compound. In English, we call it Lead(II) phosphate. Pb4P3 consists of 4 atoms of lead and 3 atoms of phosphorus. The average atomic mass of Pb4P3 is 811.8 g/mol. The molecules of Pb4P3 usually do not form ions.

  2. Properties of Pb4P3
    2.1 Physical properties of Pb4P3
    Pb4P3 is a white crystalline solid. This substance does not have a smell. The pH value of Pb4P3 depends on the quantity and environmental conditions.

2.2 Chemical properties of Pb4P3
Pb4P3 does not react with metals, acids, or nonmetals. However, Pb4P3 can react with salts.

  1. Common chemical reactions of Pb4P3
    Since Pb4P3 does not react with metals, acids, or nonmetals, there are no examples of these reactions. However, Pb4P3 can react with salts.

  2. Preparation of Pb4P3
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of Pb4P3
    The general formula for the preparation of Pb4P3 in a laboratory has not been clearly determined.

4.2 Industrial preparation of Pb4P3
In reality, Pb4P3 is not typically produced on an industrial scale. The industrial preparation of Pb4P3 needs further research.

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