What is Pb4O? Important knowledge about Pb4O.

  1. Definition of Pb4O:

1.1 Names:
1.1.1 Common name: Pb4O is not a valid chemical compound. Perhaps you are referring to PbO (lead monoxide) or Pb3O4 (red lead)?
1.1.2 English name: For PbO, it is called “lead monoxide” or “litharge”. Pb3O4 is called “minium” or “red lead”.

1.2 Atomic mass:
The atomic mass of Lead (Pb) is 207.2 and that of Oxygen (O) is 16.

1.3 Molecular mass:
For PbO, the molecular mass is 223.2; for Pb3O4, the molecular mass is 685.6.

1.4 Ion structure:
Both PbO and Pb3O4 have complex ion structures with crystal structures.

  1. Properties of PbO or Pb3O4:

2.1 Physical properties:
PbO is solid, yellow or red, odorless, and has a neutral pH.
Pb3O4 is solid, red, odorless, and has a neutral pH.

2.2 Chemical properties:
Both substances are very stable in air and water but can react with strong acids to form salts and water.

  1. Common chemical equations:

3.1 PbO + H2SO4 -> PbSO4 + H2O
3.2 Pb3O4 + 8HCl -> 3PbCl2 + 4H2O

  1. Preparation:

4.1 PbO is prepared by heating lead in air.
4.2 Pb3O4 is prepared by heating PbO in air at 500 degrees Celsius.

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