What is Pa? Important knowledge about Pa.

  1. Definition of Pa

Pa is the symbol for the chemical element Protactinium, which belongs to the Actinide group, period 7 in the periodic table of chemical elements.
1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Protactinium
1.1.2 English name: Protactinium
1.2 Atomic mass: 231
1.3 Atomic weight: 231.03588(2) u
1.3.1 Molecular structure: Pa belongs to the type of single-element chemical elements, it does not have a molecule.
1.4 Ion structure: Protactinium forms a positive ion Pa5+ in solution.

  1. Properties: Pa

2.1 Physical properties of Pa:
State: solid at standard conditions
Color: metallic, silver-gray
Odor: odorless
PH level: not applicable
2.2 Chemical properties of Pa: Very little is researched due to its radioactivity and difficulty in synthesis.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Pa: Due to the radioactivity and rarity of Protactinium, it rarely appears in common chemical reactions.

  2. Synthesis of Pa

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Pa: Protactinium can be synthesized from the nuclear decay of Uranium-235.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Pa: There is no industrial synthesis process due to Protactinium’s rarity and high radioactivity.

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