What is P2S9? Important knowledge about P2S9

  1. P2S9 is a chemical molecule consisting of 2 phosphorus (P) atoms and 9 sulfur (S) atoms. Its English name is Sulfur Nonaphosphide. The molar mass of P2S9 is 444.6 g/mol. The structure of the P2S9 molecule is quite unique, with two phosphorus atoms at the center surrounded by nine sulfur atoms. P2S9 does not form ions.

  2. P2S9 appears as brown to yellow grains and has an unpleasant smell. It is insoluble in water and does not have a specific pH value. The chemical properties of P2S9 are quite complex and depend on the reaction conditions.

  3. P2S9 mainly participates in oxidation reactions and reactions with metals. For example, P2S9 can react with oxygen in the air to form oxidation compounds. It can also react with metals such as iron, copper, and zinc to form compounds containing phosphorus and sulfur.

  4. P2S9 is not produced on an industrial scale and is usually only synthesized in chemical laboratories. The common method used to synthesize P2S9 is through the reaction between red phosphorus and sulfur under high temperature conditions.

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