What is P2H4? Important knowledge about P2H4

  1. P2H4 – Diphosphine Definition
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Diphosphine
    1.1.2 English name: Diphosphine
    1.2. Atomic composition: Diphosphine has the chemical formula P2H4, consisting of 2 phosphorus atoms and 4 hydrogen atoms.
    1.3. Atomic mass: According to the periodic table, the mass of phosphorus is 31 and hydrogen is 1, hence the atomic mass of P2H4 is 66.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The diphosphine molecule consists of 2 phosphorus atoms and 4 hydrogen atoms.
    1.4 Ion structure: Diphosphine does not form ions as it is a non-ionizing substance.

  2. Properties of P2H4
    2.1 Physical properties of P2H4
    State: Diphosphine molecules are in gaseous state under standard conditions.
    Color: Diphosphine is colorless.
    Smell: Diphosphine has a rather distinctive, unpleasant odor.
    PH Level: Diphosphine is a neutral substance, not affecting the pH level.
    2.2 Chemical properties of P2H4: Diphosphine is highly flammable in air, forming P4O10 and H2O.

  3. Common chemical equations of P2H4: P2H4 + 4O2 -> P4O10 + 2H2O

  4. Preparation of P2H4
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of P2H4: Diphosphine can be prepared from phosphine (PH3) through the process of oxidation.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of P2H4: Industrially, diphosphine is prepared from phosphine and hydrogen under high pressure and high temperature.

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