What is P2H10? Essential knowledge about P2H10.

  1. Definition of P2H10
    P2H10, also known as Diphosphorus Decahydride, is a chemical compound that does not exist naturally. This compound consists of two atoms of Phosphorus (P) and ten atoms of Hydrogen (H), so its molecular weight is 34 g/mol. The structure of P2H10 is not clearly determined due to its instability.

  2. Properties of P2H10
    There is no experimental evidence for the existence of P2H10, so its physical and chemical properties have not been clearly determined.

  3. Common chemical equations involving P2H10
    Since P2H10 does not exist in reality, there are no specific chemical reactions related to it.

  4. Synthesis of P2H10
    The synthesis of P2H10 is very difficult and has not been successfully performed in both laboratory and industrial settings.

Note: Although the compounds PnH2n+2 (n=1,2,3…) have been known, the existence of P2H10 has not been confirmed. The current knowledge of P2H10 is mainly based on theoretical calculations.

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