What is NI3? Important knowledge about NI3

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  1. Definition of NI3
    NI3, also known as Nitrogen triiodide in English, is an unstable chemical compound containing nitrogen and iodine. The NI3 molecule consists of one nitrogen atom (N) and three iodine atoms (I). The atomic mass of nitrogen is 14, while that of iodine is 127. Therefore, the atomic mass of NI3 is 395 (about 14 for nitrogen and 381 for three iodines). Regarding ion structure, NI3 does not have ions because it is not a salt.

  2. Properties: NI3
    NI3 is a black or dark purple solid, odorless and its pH cannot be determined because it is insoluble in water. In terms of chemical properties, NI3 is very sensitive, prone to explode when exposed to light, high temperature or shock.

  3. Common chemical equation of NI3
    Due to the instability and explosiveness of NI3, it is not commonly used in normal chemical reactions. However, the decomposition reaction of NI3 is a typical example: 2NI3(s) -> N2(g) + 3I2(g) -> .

  4. Synthesis of NI3
    NI3 is usually prepared in the laboratory by adding ammonia (NH3) to a solution of I2 in ether. However, due to the explosive nature of NI3, this reaction needs to be carried out with great caution. In the industry, NI3 is not produced due to its hazardous and unstable nature.

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