What is NH4NO2? Important knowledge about NH4NO2.

  1. Definition of NH4NO2
    NH4NO2, also known as Ammonium nitrite, is a chemical substance with the molecular formula NH4NO2. In this name, NH4 is the ammonium ion and NO2 is the nitrite ion. Its English name is Ammonium nitrite. The atomic mass of the ammonium ion is 18 atomic mass units, while the atomic mass of the nitrite ion is 46.0055 atomic mass units. In the NH4NO2 molecule, the ammonium and nitrite ions are connected to each other through an ionic bond.

  2. Properties of NH4NO2
    NH4NO2 is a white, odorless solid, its state at room temperature is solid. Its pH level is 7, meaning it is a neutral substance. The most characteristic chemical property of NH4NO2 is its ability to quickly decompose thermally to produce dinitrogen, N2.

  3. Common chemical equation involving NH4NO2
    The most common reaction of NH4NO2 is the thermal decomposition reaction:
    NH4NO2(s) → N2(g) + 2H2O(g) ->

  4. Preparation of NH4NO2
    NH4NO2 cannot be completely prepared in the laboratory due to its fast decomposition ability. However, it can be synthesized through the reaction between ammonia and strong nitric acid:
    NH3(g) + HNO2(aq) -> NH4NO2(s)
    But the industrial preparation of NH4NO2 is also not common due to the instability of this substance.

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