What is NH3BH3? Important knowledge about NH3BH3

  1. Definition of NH3BH3
    NH3BH3, also known as ammonia borane or borane ammonia, is a chemical compound containing the elements nitrogen, boron, and hydrogen. It is an innovative compound with the ability to store and release large amounts of hydrogen easily and quickly. In English, this substance is referred to as Ammonia borane. The molecular weight of NH3BH3 is 30.87 g/mol.

  2. Characteristics: NH3BH3
    NH3BH3 is a solid, white, odorless substance with a neutral pH. The unique chemical property of NH3BH3 is that it can react to release hydrogen when exposed to high temperatures or catalyzed by other substances.

  3. Common Chemical Equations for NH3BH3:
    NH3BH3 easily reacts with high temperatures to produce hydrogen:
    NH3BH3NH3 + BH3 -> 1/2B2H6 + H2
    In addition, ammonia borane can also react with strong acids to form complex borane compounds.

  4. Synthesis of NH3BH3:
    On a laboratory scale, ammonia borane is synthesized through the reaction between diborane and ammonia. In industrial production, NH3BH3 is produced using ammonia and borane through a more complex process.

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