What is NH2OH? Important Knowledge about NH2OH

  1. Definition of NH2OH:

Hydroxylamine is a chemical substance with the chemical formula NH2OH, also known in English as Hydroxylamine. Its molecular weight consists of 1 Nitrogen (N) atom, 2 Hydrogen (H) atoms, and 1 Oxygen (O) atom. The respective atomic weights of these atoms are 14, 1, and 16. Hydroxylamine has the ability to form ions in solution.

  1. Properties of NH2OH:

2.1 Physical properties of NH2OH:
Hydroxylamine is commonly found in the form of colorless, white crystalline particles. It has a distinctive smell and a neutral pH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of NH2OH:
Hydroxylamine also has several characteristic chemical properties. It has the ability to react with various other substances like metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  1. Common chemical equations involving NH2OH:
    Examples of some reactions involving Hydroxylamine:

  2. Preparation of NH2OH:

4.1 Laboratory preparation of NH2OH:
Hydroxylamine can be prepared in the laboratory from nitrobenzene and ammonium chloride through the reaction between nitrobenzene and ammonium chloride.

4.2 Industrial preparation of NH2OH:
In industry, hydroxylamine is commonly produced from the reaction between ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

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