What is Nh? Important knowledge about Nh.

  1. Definition of Nh

“Nh” in this article will be the abbreviation for Ammonia, a simple and important chemical compound.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Ammonia
1.1.2 English name: Ammonia

1.2. Atomic mass: 17.03052(36) u

1.3. Atomic weight: 2.82 g/cm^3

1.4 Molecular structure: Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3.

1.5 Ion structure: Ammonia can become ammonium (NH4+) when it receives a proton (H+).

  1. Properties: Nh

2.1 Physical properties of Nh
State: Gas
Color: Colorless
Smell: Unpleasant, foul
pH: About 11 when dissolved in water

2.2 Chemical properties of Nh: Ammonia is a strong reducing agent, easily forming complex compounds with metals.

  1. Common chemical equations for Nh

When reacting with acid, ammonia forms ammonium salt:
NH3 + HCl -> NH4Cl

  1. Synthesis of Nh

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Nh

  • React nitrogen with hydrogen (using Fe, Mo catalyst)
  • Heat urea (CO(NH2)2)
  • Heat ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Nh
In industry, ammonia is synthesized from nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas through the Haber-Bosch process.

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