What is NaH2PO2? Important knowledge about NaH2PO2.

  1. Definition of NaH2PO2

NaH2PO2, also known as sodium hypophosphite, is a chemical substance in the form of a salt of hypophosphorous acid. Its English name is Sodium Hypophosphite. It consists of the atoms Sodium (Na), Hydrogen (H), and Phosphorus (P). The atomic mass of Na is 23, H is 1, and P is 31. Therefore, the molar mass of NaH2PO2 is 105 g/mol. The molecular structure of NaH2PO2 includes one sodium atom, two hydrogen atoms, and one phosphorus atom. Its ionic structure is Na+ and H2PO2-.

  1. Properties of NaH2PO2

NaH2PO2 is a solid, colorless and odorless substance. It has a neutral PH level. The chemical properties of NaH2PO2 relate to its reducing ability, as it reacts with oxygen to form sodium phosphate and water.

  1. Common chemical equations involving NaH2PO2

The reaction of NaH2PO2 with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts is not common.

  1. Synthesis of NaH2PO2

NaH2PO2 is usually synthesized in the laboratory through the dissolution of sodium in hypophosphorous acid. Industrially, NaH2PO2 is produced by the reaction of sodium hydroxide with phosphorus to form sodium hypophosphite and water.

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