What is NaH? Important knowledge about NaH.

  1. Definition of NaH

NaH, also known as Sodium Hydride or Sodium hydroxide, is a white, odorless solid that can cause explosions when coming into contact with air or water. In NaH, sodium (Na) has an atomic mass of 23 and hydrogen (H) has an atomic mass of 1. Each NaH molecule consists of one sodium atom and one hydrogen atom.

1.4 Ion structure

NaH consists of the sodium ion Na+ and the hydroxide ion H-.

  1. Properties: NaH

2.1 Physical properties of NaH

NaH is a solid at room temperature, is white, odorless, and has a strong basic pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of NaH

NaH reacts very easily with water, producing sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and hydrogen (H2) according to the equation: NaH + H2O -> NaOH + H2.

  1. Chemical equation

Common chemical reactions of NaH include reactions with water, acids, and metals. NaH can also react with carbon dioxide (CO2) to produce sodium bicarbonate: 2NaH + CO2 -> Na2CO3 + H2.

  1. Synthesis of NaH

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of NaH

NaH can be synthesized by reacting sodium with hydrogen under high temperature and pressure conditions: 2Na + H2 -> 2NaH.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of NaH

In industry, NaH is typically produced by reacting liquid sodium with hydrogen at high temperatures: 2Na + H2 -> 2NaH.

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