What is Na3PO3? Important knowledge about Na3PO3.

  1. Definition of Na3PO3

Na3PO3 is the chemical formula of sodium phosphite, also called sodium triphosphite. In English, it is called Sodium Phosphite. This salt consists of 3 sodium atoms, 1 phosphorus atom, and 3 oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of Na3PO3 is calculated by the total atomic mass of all atoms in the molecule, that is, 3 atomic masses of Na, 1 atomic mass of P, and 3 atomic masses of O.

1.4 The ion structure of Na3PO3 includes sodium ions (Na+) and phosphite ions (PO3-3).

  1. Properties of Na3PO3

2.1 Physical properties of Na3PO3: It is solid at room temperature, white, odorless, and has a neutral to slightly alkaline pH.

2.2 Chemical properties of Na3PO3: It has the ability to react with acids to form sodium phosphate and hydrogen gas.

  1. Common chemical equations

Na3PO3 can react with metals such as Hg, Ag, Pb, Bi,… when heated to form PO and Na2O. It can also react with acids like HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 to form NaCl, Na2SO4, NaNO3, and H2 gas. With non-metals, Na3PO3 can react with Cl2, Br2, I2, S, P,.. to form other complex compounds.

  1. Preparation of Na3PO3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Na3PO3 can be synthesized from the reaction between NaOH and H3PO3.

NaOH + H3PO3 -> Na3PO3 + 3H2O

4.2 Industrial synthesis: On an industrial scale, Na3PO3 is typically produced by heating Na2HPO4 with sodium at high temperatures.

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