What is Na2HAsO4? Important knowledge about Na2HAsO4.

  1. Definition of Na2HAsO4

Na2HAsO4 is Sodium hydrogen arsenate, also known as Dihydrogen arsenate sodium or Sodium arsenate dibasic in English. In its structure, two sodium atoms (Na) combine with one hydrogen atom (H), one arsenic atom (As) and four oxygen atoms (O). The molecular weight of Na2HAsO4 is 197.94 g/mol. It generates sodium ion Na+ and ion HAsO4-2.

  1. Properties of Na2HAsO4

2.1 Physical properties of Na2HAsO4

This substance is in solid form, white in color, odorless and has a neutral or slightly alkaline PH.

2.2 Chemical properties of Na2HAsO4

Na2HAsO4 is a strong oxidizing agent and can react with reducing agents to form Arsenic.

  1. Common chemical equations of Na2HAsO4

The common chemical equations of Na2HAsO4 usually involve redox reactions. For example, Na2HAsO4 can react with metals such as Cu, Fe, Zn to form Arsenic and the corresponding salt.

  1. Preparation of Na2HAsO4

4.1 Laboratory preparation of Na2HAsO4

Na2HAsO4 can be prepared by fusing Arsenic trioxide (As2O3) with Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at a fixed temperature.

4.2 Industrial preparation of Na2HAsO4

In industry, Na2HAsO4 is typically produced from the reaction of Arsenic with nitric acid (HNO3), which then reacts with Sodium hydroxide to form Na2HAsO4.

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