What is Na2B4O7? Important knowledge about Na2B4O7.

1.1 Na2B4O7, commonly known as borax, is English for Sodium borate. Borax is a salt form of borate acid, with a molecular structure consisting of 2 sodium atoms, 4 boron atoms, and 7 oxygen atoms. The atomic mass of borax is 201.22 g/mol. In ion structure, borax forms sodium ions (Na+) and borate ions (B4O7^2-).

2.1 Borax is a crystalline solid, white in color, and odorless. When dissolved in water, borax creates an alkaline environment with a pH of about 9.2.2. In chemical reactions, borax can react with acids, metals, and non-metals.

3.1 Borax can react with metals such as:

3.2 Acid reactions such as:

3.3 Reactions with salts such as:

4.1 In the laboratory, borax can be synthesized from boric acid and sodium hydroxide:

4.2 In the industry, borax is often produced from the mining of natural borax crystals, which are then cleaned and refined to meet industrial quality standards.

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