What is N2H4? Important Knowledge about N2H4

  1. Definition of N2H4

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: N2H4 or symbolically known as Hydrazine.
1.1.2 English name: Hydrazine.
1.2. Atomic mass: N2H4 consists of 2 Nitrogen atoms and 4 Hydrogen atoms.
1.3. Molecular weight: The total weight of the Hydrogen and Nitrogen atoms in a N2H4 molecule is 32.05 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The N2H4 molecule consists of 2 Nitrogen atoms linked through a double covalent bond, and each Nitrogen atom is linked to 2 Hydrogen atoms through single covalent bonds.
1.4 Ion structure: In some cases, N2H4 can form ions such as N2H4+, N2H4-.

  1. Properties: N2H4

2.1 Physical properties of N2H4
State: colorless liquid.
Color: colorless.
Odor: has a sharp, unpleasant odor.
pH: neutral.
2.2 Chemical properties of N2H4: It is a fairly reactive substance, capable of reacting with many other substances such as O2, Br2, Cl2, and various types of acids.

  1. Common chemical equations involving N2H4
    Metal reaction: N2H4 + 2Na -> Na2N2 + 2H2(example)
    Acid reaction: N2H4 + 2HCl -> 2NH4Cl
    Non-metal reaction: N2H4 + Cl2 -> N2 + 4HCl
    Reaction with salt: N2H4 + 2AgNO3 -> Ag2N2 + 2HNO3

  2. Synthesis of N2H4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of N2H4: N2H4 can be synthesized from NH3 and a small amount of bleaching powder.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of N2H4: In industry, N2H4 is usually produced from NH3 and hypochlorite in an aqueous alkali solution.

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