What is Mn(NO3)2? Important knowledge about Mn(NO3)2.

  1. Definition of Mn(NO3)2:

1.1 Name:

1.1.1 Common name: Manganese(II) nitrate

1.1.2 English name: Manganese(II) nitrate

1.2 Atomic composition: Mn(NO3)2 includes 1 Manganese atom (Mn) and 2 Nitrate atoms (NO3).

1.3 Atomic weight: The atomic weight of Mn(NO3)2 is 178.953 g/mol.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: The molecule of Manganese(II) nitrate includes 1 Manganese atom and 2 Nitrate atoms.

1.4 Ion structure: In Mn(NO3)2, the Mn2+ ion is combined with 2 NO3- ions.

  1. Properties of Mn(NO3)2:

2.1 Physical properties:

  • State of matter: Manganese(II) nitrate typically exists in the form of pink crystals.

  • Color: Pink.

  • Odor: Odorless.

  • PH level: No exact information.

2.2 Chemical properties: Mn(NO3)2 easily decomposes when heated, producing Manganese(II) oxide, Nitrogen dioxide and Oxygen.

  1. Common chemical equations:

Detailed reactions and specific examples should be referred from textbooks or credible chemistry resources.

  1. Synthesis of Mn(NO3)2:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Mn(NO3)2 can be synthesized by reacting Manganese with Nitric acid.

4.2 Industrial synthesis: In industry, Mn(NO3)2 is produced by resolving Manganese oxidation in Nitric acid.

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