What is MgHSO4? Important knowledge about MgHSO4.

  1. Definition of MgHSO4

MgHSO4, also known as Magnesium hydrogen sulfate, is a chemical compound consisting of magnesium (Mg), hydrogen (H), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O) atoms combined.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common Name: Magnesium hydrogen sulfate
1.1.2 English Name: Magnesium hydrogen sulfate
1.2. The molecular mass of MgHSO4 is 120.37 g/mol.
1.3. Atomic mass of the components in MgHSO4 are Mg is 24.3, H is 1.0, S is 32.1 and O is 16.0.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The MgHSO4 molecule consists of 1 Magnesium ion (Mg^2+), 1 Hydrogen ion (H^+) and 1 Sulfate ion (SO4^2-).
1.4 Ion structure: MgHSO4 forms the following ions when dissolved in water: Mg^2+, H^+ and SO4^2-.

  1. Properties of MgHSO4

2.1 Physical properties of MgHSO4
Physical state: solid at room temperature
Color: white
Odor: odorless
PH level: strongly acidic
2.2 Chemical properties of MgHSO4: dissolves in water to form sulfuric acid and magnesium hydroxide. Does not react with metals, acids and salts but reacts with bases.

  1. Common chemical reactions of MgHSO4
    Metal reaction: MgHSO4 does not react with metals
    Acid reaction: MgHSO4 does not react with acids
    Non-metal reaction: MgHSO4 does not react with non-metals
    Reaction with salts: MgHSO4 does not react with salts

  2. Synthesis of MgHSO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of MgHSO4: Mg + H2SO4 -> MgHSO4 + H2
4.2 Industrial synthesis of MgHSO4: It is difficult to synthesize MgHSO4 on an industrial scale due to its strong acidity.

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