What is MgCO3? Important knowledge about MgCO3.

  1. Definition of MgCO3

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Magnesium carbonate
1.1.2 English name: Magnesium Carbonate
1.2 Atomic mass: MgCO3 has an atomic mass of 84.31 g/mol.
1.3 Atomic weight: Magnesium has an atomic weight of 24.3050 g/mol, Carbon has an atomic weight of 12.011 g/mol and Oxygen has an atomic weight of 15.9994 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: MgCO3 is constituted by one magnesium ion (Mg2+) and one carbonate ion (CO3 2-).
1.4 Ion structure: in MgCO3, the Magnesium ion (Mg2+) and the Carbonate ion (CO3 2-) combine to form the compound.

  1. Properties: MgCO3

2.1 Physical properties of MgCO3
State: solid powder
Color: white
Smell: odorless
pH level: is a neutral substance
2.2 Chemical properties of MgCO3: When heated, magnesium carbonate will decompose into magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.

  1. Common chemical equations of MgCO3
    MgCO3 + 2HCl -> MgCl2 + H2O + CO2
    MgCO3 + H2SO4 -> MgSO4 + H2O + CO2
    MgCO3 + 2CH3COOH -> (CH3COO)2Mg + H2O + CO2

  2. Synthesis of MgCO3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of MgCO3: MgCO3 can be synthesized through the reaction between Magnesium hydroxide solution (Mg(OH)2) and Carbon Dioxide gas (CO2).
Mg(OH)2 + CO2 -> MgCO3 + H2O
4.2 Industrial synthesis of MgCO3: Industrially, MgCO3 is produced by introducing magnesium salts into a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) solution under high pressure.

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