What is Mg2SO6? Important knowledge about Mg2SO6.

Unfortunately, the formula of the compound Mg2SO6 is incorrect. In common compounds, magnesium (Mg) usually forms compounds with a valency of +2, while sulfate (SO4) usually has a valency of -2. Therefore, the most common compound between magnesium and sulfate would be MgSO4, commonly known as Magnesium sulfate in English.

Magnesium sulfate has a molecular weight of 120.366 g/mol. A MgSO4 molecule consists of one magnesium ion (Mg2+) and one sulfate ion (SO42-).

In terms of properties, magnesium sulfate is a white, odorless solid with a salty taste. It has a neutral pH and dissolves well in water.

Magnesium sulfate participates in many chemical reactions, such as reacting with strong acids to form other salts, or reacting with metals to form other compounds.

The preparation of magnesium sulfate is usually carried out in the laboratory through the reaction between sulfuric acid and magnesium, or by heating dry Epsom salts (MgSO4.7H2O).

In industry, magnesium sulfate is usually produced by mining the mineral kieserite.

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