What is LiNO3? Important knowledge about LiNO3.

  1. Definition of LiNO3

LiNO3, also known as Lithium Nitrate, is a lithium salt of nitric acid. The atoms in LiNO3 consist of Lithium (Li), Nitrogen (N) and Oxygen (O). The molar mass of LiNO3 is 68.95 g/mol. The molecular structure of LiNO3 consists of one lithium atom, one nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms. The ions in LiNO3 include lithium ions (Li+) and nitrate ions (NO3-).

  1. Properties of LiNO3

2.1 Physical properties of LiNO3: LiNO3 is a solid at room temperature, white in color and odorless. The pH of the LiNO3 solution is neutral.
2.2 Chemical properties of LiNO3: LiNO3 is completely soluble in water and can react with other substances to form other salts.

  1. Common chemical equations

LiNO3 reacts well with acids and metals, but does not react with nonmetals. Some specific examples include:

  1. Synthesis of LiNO3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of LiNO3: LiNO3 is typically synthesized by reacting lithium with nitric acid: 2Li + 2HNO3 -> 2LiNO3 + H2
4.2 Industrial synthesis of LiNO3: On an industrial scale, LiNO3 is typically synthesized using a similar method, but applied to large amounts of lithium and nitric acid.

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