What is LiH? Important knowledge about LiH.

  1. Definition of LiH

LiH, or Lithium Hydride, is a chemical compound in the family of ionic compounds of alkali metals and hydrogen. This substance has a molar mass of 7.95 g/mol. A LiH molecule comprises a lithium atom (Li) and a hydrogen atom (H). LiH can also form ions when a lithium atom donates an electron to a hydrogen atom to form a lithium ion Li+ and a hydrogen ion H-.

  1. Properties of LiH

2.1 Physical properties of LiH: Under standard conditions, LiH is a solid, colorless and odorless substance. This substance has a neutral PH.

2.2 Chemical properties of LiH: LiH is very reactive with water to form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen. It can also react with strong oxidizers such as oxygen or chlorine to form lithium oxide or lithium chloride.

  1. Common chemical equations with LiH:
  1. Synthesis of LiH:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of LiH: LiH is typically synthesized from the reaction between hydrogen and lithium at high temperatures.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of LiH: On an industrial scale, LiH is produced by reacting lithium with hydrogen at high temperatures (350-400°C).

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