What is LiF? Important Knowledge about LiF

  1. Definition of LiF:
    LiF, or Lithium Fluoride, is a chemical substance belonging to the category of salts, formed from lithium ion (Li+) and fluoride (F-).
    1.1 Common name: Lithium Fluoride
    1.1.2 English name: Lithium Fluoride
    1.2 Atomic structure: Comprises 1 atom of Lithium and 1 atom of Fluorine
    1.3 Atomic mass: 25.939 (in Dalton units)
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: LiF
    1.4 Ion structure: Li+ and F-

  2. Properties of LiF:
    2.1 Physical properties of LiF: LiF is solid at room temperature, white in color, odorless and does not possess a pH level.
    2.2 Chemical properties of LiF: LiF is insoluble in water and quite stable in the chemical environment. It resists strong acids like HCl, H2SO4, with its only weakness being solubility in HF acid.

  3. Common chemical equations involving LiF:

  4. Synthesis of LiF:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of LiF: Li + F2 -> LiF
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of LiF: In industry, LiF is typically produced by reacting Lithium Carbonate with Hydrofloric acid.

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