What is LiBr? Important knowledge about LiBr

  1. Definition of LiBr

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Lithium Bromide
1.1.2 English name: Lithium Bromide
1.2. Atomic mass: LiBr is a compound of lithium and bromine, with an atomic mass of 86.845.
1.3. Molecular mass: LiBr has a molecular mass of 86.845 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: A LiBr molecule consists of one lithium atom and one bromine atom.
1.4 Ionic structure: In this compound, lithium and bromine form positive and negative ions, making up the salt LiBr.

  1. Properties of LiBr

2.1 Physical properties of LiBr
State: solid at room temperature
Color: white
Odor: odorless
PH level: 7 (neutral when in solution)
2.2 Chemical properties of LiBr
LiBr is very soluble in water and other polar solvents. It also has the ability to create supersaturated solutions.

  1. Common chemical equations of LiBr
    Metal reactions: LiBr does not usually participate in reactions with metals.
    Acid reactions: LiBr can react with strong acids to produce bromine and other compounds.
    Non-metal reactions: LiBr does not usually react with non-metals.
    Salt reactions: LiBr can produce other compounds when reacting with some salts.

  2. Synthesis of LiBr

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of LiBr
LiBr is usually synthesized by reacting lithium with bromine.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of LiBr
In industry, LiBr is usually produced by brominating lithium or by reacting bromine with lithium hydroxide.

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